Happy Christmas from Nutritionhelp

As another year draws to a close many of us look back on the past 12 months and take stock of where we are – work, finance, family, hobbies, etc. This assessment invariably also includes our health. So often I hear people talking about various symptoms they are struggling with as though they are automatically part of the ageing process. However, if you are prepared to make some dietary changes you may well find that the New Year sees a change in your health pattern. Joint problems, skin conditions, headaches, hormonal-related issues, fatigue, muscle ache, depression, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight, can all benefit from a tailor-made nutritional programme. If you have been wondering what to do to support your health, why not make 2016 a year to take nutrition into consideration?

Nutritionhelp offers tailor-made online reports with the option of having telephone or Skype contact with me to help you apply your Nutritionhelp recommendations. Maybe you have a loved one who has been struggling with poor health – CFS/ME, an eating disorder, frequent migraines or Fibromyalgia. Why not consider a last minute Christmas gift of a Nutritionhelp report – a gift that goes on into the New Year.

Nutrition doesn’t supply a magic wand, but making changes to the way we eat and adding nutritional supplementation, such as vitamins and minerals to ensure the body is receiving what it needs, forms a good basis of support, which for many clients can be life-transforming. For others, encouraging health can take more determination, and my role as a Nutritional Therapist becomes more like that of a detective – to find what might be holding back good health, such as allergies, detoxification, or adrenal fatigue.

So, whether you are a client who has seen wonderful encouragement this past year, a client who has seen improvement but still has a away to go, or whether you are just beginning to think about supporting your health nutritionally, we all at Nutritionhelp would like to wish you a very happy Christmas, and a healthy New Year.

Erica White’s Beat Fatigue Handbook in Digital Format

I’m delighted to tell you that another of Erica White’s books is now available from Amazon in digital format. The ebook version of ‘Beat Fatigue Handbook’ has just been launched and can be downloaded to a Kindle (or to a free Kindle app on a laptop, tablet or smartphone) for just £4.02. If you like, you can see a free sample of the beginning of the book. If you buy the printed book from Amazon (£9.99), or have bought it previously, you can download the ebook for just £1.36 – surely a bargain! In addition, it can be lent to family or friends free of charge for a period of 14 days. Beat fatigueRead some Amazon reviews from previous readers: “It’s easy to understand and makes a lot of sense. Highly recommended.” “I found this book inspirational.” “A book which has offered me a lot more hope about the condition than I have had for a long time.” “A fantastic book.” “Whether you suffer from chronic fatigue or not, this is a sensible look at food and lifestyle. Would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.” “This programme helped me overcome M.E. and return to creative life.”

Click here to purchase this ebook on Amazon