Nutritionhelp Statistics – Digestion

Many clients coming to Nutritionhelp suspect that they may have an overgrowth of the common yeast, Candida albicans. Candida is usually present in the gastrointestinal tract in just small numbers where it resides side by side with millions of bacteria. The majority of these bacteria in healthy individuals should be friendly organisms, and these, according to Ralph Goplan in Optimal Wellness should “synthesize vitamins and help fight undesirable intestinal bacteria, high cholesterol levels and even some cancers.They keep the bowel functioning normally and discourage the overgrowth of yeast.”

However, the use of antibiotics kills off the friendly bacteria along with the infection it is treating, leaving the yeast populations room to expand and grow. As we have seen previously, too much yeast can affect health in all manner of ways, influencing anything from immunity to hormone function. However, since yeast is designed to be resident within the gut, it is not surprising that an overgrowth will frequently affect health throughout the entire digestive tract, form a cracked or coated tongue, gum inflammation and oral thrush, to heartburn and indigestion, to bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, to itchy anus.

A Nutritionhelp protocol is designed to starve the yeast and support the re-establishment of friendly bacteria again. In this post I will start to review the Nutritionhelp statistics relating to digestion, and then complete that list in my next blog when I will also discuss additional factors which might encourage yeast, leading to an unhelpful overgrowth. Remember, these statistics followed clients over  just two reviews (a time period of about 6 months). For details on the gathering of the statistics click here

  • For clients recording indigestion or heartburn, 81% saw some improvement, with 57% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording the symptom of Diarrhoea, 90% saw some improvement, with 62% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording the symptom of constipation, 77% saw some improvement, with 45% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients recording irritable bowel syndrome, 86% saw some improvement, with 54% seeing considerable improvement
  • For clients reporting the symptom of rectal itching, 92% saw some improvement, with 44% seeing considerable improvement.

For your own Nutritionhelp report with dietary and nutritional supplement recommendations click here. A Nutritionhelp online report takes into account your own personal nutritional requirements, your health history and your gut ecology score, which gives an indication of how the balance of yeasts and friendly bacteria may be influencing your health.